Proyectos de HD del Instituto de Historia

Historia y las nuevas tecnologías de la información

A portal has been maintained since 2000 with the results of various research projects launched to apply information technologies (relational databases) to the dissemination of historical content, texts, documentation and bibliography.

Contribution to the DH:

  • "Modernitas": Bibliography of Modern History.
  • "Modernitascitas": Database of Modern History quotations.
  • "BIHES": Bibliographies of Spanish History. "Los nacionalismos".
  • Bibliography of the Military Orders in the Modern Age.
  • The Calatrava province of Almonacid de Zorita in the 16th century.
  • "Histinfo": History: History and New Information Technologies.
  • Power in modern times.

Francisco Fernández Izquierdo


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