Dataset, metadata and services


A dependency parser in Ancient Greek

Presents a syntactic analysis of dependencies in ancient Greek of two texts from Lysias, with an English translation by W.R.M. Lamb, M.A. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1930.

P.I.: Daniel Riaño  ILC (CSIC)

CARTOVIAJE. Cartocronography of contemporary spanish travel narrative (XIX & XX centuries)

The aim of this project is to establish the category "travel narrative" within the label "travel literature" and to this end it proposes the geographical criterion as the axis of the classification of the works that are categorised according to the scheme of sub-genres of the 19th and 20th centuries.

P.I.:  Luis Alburquerque García   -  ILLA (CSIC)

Data Model


El mundo según Homero

This project presents the research results of the project "The world according to Homer: from Dionysius Periegeta to Eustatius of Thessalonica".

P.I.: Inmaculada Pérez Martín - ILC (CSIC)

WMS Service