Educational innovations in high school classrooms

JAE Educa. "Comprehensive" education for young high school graduates: changes promoted by the JAE in secondary education (1907-1936)


On-line dictionary of high school teachers who received a pension from the “Junta para Ampliación de Estudios (JAE)” between 1907 and 1936, which allows a prosopographical study of this group and offers knowledge about the educational innovations carried out in high school classrooms.

This project emphasizes the educational and scientific work of the agents who promoted educational reforms and innovations in high schools classrooms between 1907 and 1936, many of them linked to the “Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas”, as pensioners or scholarship holders.


"High schools sare unique spaces for the dissemination and production of knowledge thanks to the triad formed by teachers, students and material culture."

Leoncio López-Ocón     
Instituto de Historia. CSIC

The project aims are:

To establish Who's Who in the reformist spirit promoted by the JAE in high schools classrooms.     
Determine the innovations in the teaching methods and techniques of the various school disciplines that constitute the antecedents of those taught in the current baccalaureate.     
Analyze the way in which the students processed these educational innovations by means of a systematic study of their school works and notebooks.

One of the significant features of this on-line dictionary of JAE pensioned teachers is its map viewer. It shows the itineraries and stays of the pensioned teachers, mapping the distribution of specialties and trips in different periods of time.

Visualizador JAEeduca

Visualization of JAE Educa's teachers, trips and specialties.

JAE Educa data on teachers, institutions and pensions have been modeled in UML (Unified Modelling Language) and subsequently implemented in a PostgreSQL - PostGIS relational database.

Modelo JAEeduca

UML database model for JAE Educa

Accessing data from the database allows its analysis and mapping in a GIS and dynamic visualizations. The mobility of JAE pensioned teachers is shown in networks of interrelationships between them and the institutions in which they taught from 1907 to 1936.

Redes JAE

Network graph of teacher-institution 1907-1936

In relation to this project, the blog is presented with case studies on educational innovations carried out in certain high school classrooms

Historical environment and background of the JAE, historical viewer and technical development.

Vídeo JAEeduca

Source: Unidad SIGyHD (CCHS-CSIC)

I.P.: Leoncio López-Ocón - IH (CSIC)

Leoncio López-Ocón

His current lines of research are: the scientific and educational policy of the Spanish State in the first third of the 20th century through the actions of the JAE, the exile of Republican scientists and educators and Humboldtian science in Latin America in the 19th century.